Interactive Social Stories follow SEL Standards from CASEL.
Standard 1: Self-Awareness
Individual can identify their emotions, personal assets, areas for growth, and potential external resources and supports.
Standard 2: Self-Management
Individual can regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
Standard 3: Self-Efficacy
Individual can motivate themselves, persevere, and see themselves as capable.
Standard 4: Social Awareness
Individual can take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Standard 5: Social Management
Individual can make safe and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions.
Standard 6: Social Engagement
Individual can consider others and show a desire to contribute to the well-being of school and community.
How Interactive Social Stories Support the Standards:
Interactive Social Stories offer a unique opportunity for students to make an in the moment choice when they are at baseline. The stories use positive, brief language and can be used frequently. Interactive Social Stories use situations and scenarios that happen daily or often for the students. The stories are 3-5 minutes in duration.